En inglés y euskera
Basque culture and dance are excellent instruments for young Basques in the diaspora to get closer to Basque culture and build a network of relationships with young Basques. Basque dance is an effective instrument to structure the community and get closer to Basque culture, but it is even more powerful and effective among Basques in the diaspora, so body language offers an excellent opportunity for the integration of both communities and the promotion of Basque culture.
Precisely because we need a strong Basque Community, which has presence in the square of the world, we started last year the Ateak Ireki project (www. ateakireki. eus). This program aims to contribute to strengthening relationships between young people from the Basque Diaspora and those from Euskal Herria. In 2023, 37 young people of Basque origin moved to Goierri for a three-week stay with their Guipuzkoan host families. Together with the Maizpide euskaltegi, special courses were organized to learn Basque and Basque culture.
Young people from the United States showed their interest in reinforcing the offer of Basque dance courses. For them, Basque dance is one of the most important exponents of their Basque identity. This Summer Course will be organized taking into account this demand, the benefits of dance in the training of young people and the possibilities it offers to access Basque culture.
The Course will be organized in collaboration with the Dantzan Ikasi program, dedicated to the continuous training of Euskal Dantza teachers. Dantzan Ikasi is a program of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa that has a 15-year history in this field and through it, they will attract dancers from the Basque Country to the course, thus offering the possibility for young people from the diaspora and the country to take the course together and build a network of relationships.
The Course will address the theoretical and practical aspects and will mainly use English and Basque. The main sessions will be offered by expert teachers in the field of Basque dance and the dance will also allow them to live in the ritual context of a Basque festival.
- Público en general
Iñaki goirizelaia Ordorika | UPV/EHU, Ingeniería de Comunicaciones
Es catedrático de Ingeniería Telemática en la UPV/EHU. Fue rector (2009-2017), Vicerrector de Universidad Empresa (1998-2000), Vicerrector del área de Organización Académica (2004) y Vicerrector del Campus de Bizkaia (2005-2008). En 1984 y 1985 Visiting Fellow en el Instituto de Investigación de Stanford de California (SRI). Seis meses en 2004 como profesor visitante en el laboratorio MediaLab del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts. En 2017 toma posesión de la cátedra Eloise Garmendia Bieter de la Boise State University (BSU). En su trayectoria investigadora ha trabajado tres líneas: inteligencia artificial, visión artificial y seguridad en redes de telecomunicaciones. Ahora forma parte del grupo de investigación I2T en el área de ingeniería telemática. Es autor del libro de texto “Fundamentos de la Programación” (1999), y coautor del libro “Danzando por las redes utilizando Java” (2021). Por otro lado, es el creador y guionista del documental “Bai, bagara!”sobre los valores vascos en la diáspora, y creador del documental sobre la danza “Lur hau gurea”. Actualmente es presidente y cofundador de la fundación PuntuEus y es un miembro honorario de Jakiunde, la academia vasca de las ciencias, las artes y las letras.
- Oier Araolaza Arrieta
- Josu Garate Suinaga
- Izaskun Salazar
- Mikel Sarriegi
Programa completo (pdf)
Cursos de verano 2024 UPV/EHU: "Ateak Ireki Dantzan / Dancing"
Gertaeraren datuak
Antolatu du
Conjunto Monumental de Igartza
25/06/2024-etik 26/06/2024-era
Hasi saioa iruzkin bat argitaratu ahal izateko.